Saasami, Sihin, Kodakena, avil, gasi and the likes....Part 1
Today, I wanted to write about a few of the mangy cuisines that are similar, yet different.
By changing one or two ingredients in the recipe, a new gravy that tastes completely different is made.
For the masala you will need:
- Grated Coconut - 1 Cup
- Red/green chilli - 4-5/2 no.
- Tamarind/Curd - 1/2 lemon size/1 Cup
- Rice - 1 tsp (soaked in wated for about 15 minutes.
- Salt
For Saasami (literal meaning - mustard) you will need:
- The above ingredients
- Mustard (saasami/saasive/rai/mustard) - 1 tbsp
Grind all the ingredients together and your saasami masala is ready.
Raw Tomato/Cucumber saasami
- Use red chillies and tamarind for the masala.
- Chop the tomatoes (2 no.) and onion (1 no. small). Or chop salad cucumber into small pieces.
- Add the masala to the chopped vegetable.
- Add Mustard seasoning. (Refer Glossary)
Cooked Tomato saasami
- Use red chillies and tamarind for the masala.
- Chop the tomatoes (2 no.)
- Cook the tomatoes in a vessel with little water
- Add the masala to the chopped vegetable.
- Cook for about 10 mins and the saasami is ready
- Add Mustard seasoning. (Refer Glossary
Cooked greens (Harive/Dantu Soppu) saasami
- Use red chillies and tamarind for the masala.
- Chop the greens into small pieces.
- Cook the tomatoes in a vessel with little water
- Add the masala to the chopped vegetable.
- Cook for about 10 mins and the saasami is ready
- Add Mustard seasoning. (Refer Glossary)
Raw Cucumber saasami (version 2)
- Use green chillies and tamarind for the masala.
- Chop the salad cucumber into small pieces.
- Add the masala to the chopped vegetable.
- Add Mustard seasoning. (Refer Glossary)
Ladies finger/Bende saasami
- Use red chillies and tamarind for the masala.
- Chop the ladies finger into small slices.
- Add a little oil in a heating pan.
- Roast fry the ladies finger
- Add the masala to the chopped vegetable.
- Add Mustard seasoning. (Refer Glossary)
Ladies finger/Bende saasami (Version 2)
- Use red chillies but don't use the tamarind for the masala.
- Add curd to the ground masala.
- Chop the ladies finger into small slices.
- Add a little oil in a heating pan.
- Roast fry the ladies finger
- Add the masala to the chopped vegetable.
- Add Mustard seasoning. (Refer Glossary)
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