The Seasoning
George Bernard Shaw said there is no love sincerer than the love of food. May not be true for many but I belong to the set of people who believes it whole heartedly. There is no better feeling of contentment than to see a satiated stomach and heart. And this comes from arte culinaria. The passion for cooking doesn't come very easily.
My mother is another one of those people who loves to feed. My mother was a novice at cooking at the age of 16, when she was married, but she turned into a specialist by the time she was 32 years old. I remember the days, when we used to have nearly 15 people for lunch everyday. Kids who went to school near our house would eat in our house, there were students who were using our house as free accommodation and there were guests who would come for a day or would stay for as long as 2 months. These were the days when my mother learned to cook yummy food super efficiently. May be the remark from the rest of the family about her lack of skills in cooking, soon after her marriage to my dad, gave her the determination to master over the skill or it came to her genetically from her father (my grandfather) or his mother (my great grandmother), it doesn't matter. But I got it from her.
To pass on her recipes to all her food fans and to cover up my forgetfulness, here is a blog. I am penning the way I cook my mother's recipe and will try to be more specific than my mother would be. I will try to add as many photos as possible. Hope you will enjoy it. If you have any questions, post a comment and I will get back :)