Soppu Saasmi

You will need:
Leafy vegetable (padipe/Harive or palaak) - 2-3 bundles

Coconut - 1/2 dessicated coconut
Red Chilies - 4-6
Mustard Seeds -1 1/2 tsp
Tamarind  - 1/2 lemon size
Turmeric -1 pinch
Salt to taste
Urad Seasoning (refer glossary)

Sasmi Masala: Grind Grated Coconut + Red Chilies + mustard seeds + Turmeric + Tamarind

Cut leafy vegetables. Cook it with salt and a little jaggery.
Add the Masala and cook further.
Add Seasoning (Mustard Seeds, Uddina bele, red chilies and curry leaves).

This can be used along with Rice/Chapathi. 

Serves about 3-4 people.


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